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Our members are drawn from all Christian denominations and are united by our faith in Jesus Christ and our belief in the Bible as God's word.

The International Christian Medical Fellowship (ICMF) was founded in 2021 and launched in June 2021 and has as members doctors, medical and nursing students, nurses and midwives and allied health professional from all around the world. ICMF's ministry is based on Jesus instructions to his disciples, as reported by Luke, the first known Christian doctor: to preach God's Kingdom and to heal the sick (Luke 9:2).These instructions are further expanded in Jesus' Nazareth Manifesto (Luke 4:18,19) where he describes his mission as one involving preaching, healing, deliverance and justice.

We exist to bring glory to Jesus Christ through fulfilling his great commission (Matthew 28:19-20) and great commandments (Matthew 22:37-40; John 13:34-35) and by following in his footsteps (1 John 2:6).

ICMF is first of all Christian. Our members are drawn from all Christian denominations and are united by our faith in Jesus Christ and our belief in the Bible as God's word. Second we are medical, united by our calling as doctors, nurses, midwives, medical and nursing students and other professionals working in healthcare. Third we are a 'fellowship', working together to encourage and inspire each other to fulfil our calling and serve Christ together in this generation. ICMF owed it existence to it visionary Dr. Augustine Karmoh Ballah Sr.





Godly Mission

Godly Mission

Strong Values

Strong Values

Aims of ICMFEL

ICMFEL's vision is "Uniting Christian doctors; supporting Christian medical students; advancing Christian mission; publishing Christian literature; encouraging and equipping Christian doctors and nurses to live and speak for Jesus Christ; and promoting Christian values."

To unite Christian healthcare professionals and students in Christ and encourage them to deepen their faith, live like Christ and serve him obediently, particularly through acting competently and with compassion in their professional practice.
To encourage Christian healthcare professionals and students to be witnesses for Christ amongst all those they meet.
To mobilise and support all Christian healthcare professionals and students in serving Christ throughout the world.
To promote Christian values in society, especially, but not limited to, the areas of bioethics and healthcare

Innovation & Progress

We Are Results Oriented

God's Mission

Our Focus on Godliness & Humanity

Diversity and Inclusion

We Are Multicultural

Membership and Inclusion

You Too Can Become A Member

ICMFEL Leadership Team

Augustine K. Ballah Sr.

Augustine K. Ballah Sr.

BSc, MBBS/MD, MAIS, Specialist Neurosurgeon in training, Visionary ICMFEL
Pastor Jordan Tetley & Mrs. Sonya Tetley

Pastor Jordan Tetley & Mrs. Sonya Tetley

Partner of ICMFEL with over 17 years of global ministry experience.
Dr. Nicole Cooper

Dr. Nicole Cooper

MD, MPH, FAAP, DABIM CEO/Medical Director Wellness Partners, LIberia
Massangee Kpangbala Sengbe Sr.

Massangee Kpangbala Sengbe Sr.

BBA, MSW, EDS, SWLC Chairman/CEO at Sengbe & Associates Wellness Center LLC
Susan Malik

Susan Malik

Survivor and Founder of MaudLokko Cancer Center, Ghana
Marj Ratel

Marj Ratel

KBNF/KBF Founder & President. Project Chair, Chair of Volunteer and Promotions, Medical Missions and Project Work
Dr. Eleanor Annang Tei

Dr. Eleanor Annang Tei

Administrator, ICMFEL Accra-Ghana
D. Naomi Flomo

D. Naomi Flomo

Prayer and Worship Coordinator, ICMFEL - St. Elizabeth, Jamaica
Dr. Victoria Manyele

Dr. Victoria Manyele

China - Treasurer, Organizing Team ICMFEL
Dr. Mambulu Faustin

Dr. Mambulu Faustin

Member, Organizing Team ICMFEL, Guangzhou, China
Joelle Chuckle Karnwhine

Joelle Chuckle Karnwhine

Member, Organizing Team ICMFEL, Shanghai, China
Monthly Events
Global Reach
Facilitators & Sponsors

Hundreds of committed ICMFEL members, ready to help.

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